Friday, August 15, 2014

More Time Please!

I'm missing my husband who is back in Paris and don't expect to see him until October but I'm also feeling frantic that my time in Alaska is ticking away and I have so much more quilting I want to get done. It is impossible to meet the goals I set for myself. Then add in the mix that I have jury duty next week. ARGH! 

I'm trying to make the best of a frustrating schedule so today I organized a cross stitch kit to work on while I'm sitting in the jury waiting room...waiting for something to happen. Last summer my son, Zack, had jury duty and spent three whole days sitting in the waiting room...not getting selected to serve. At least he was released for the rest of the week.

I'm still working on marking a quilt top before I load it on my quilting frame. I do this to myself...thinking up complicated quilting designs on large quilt tops. I must learn to make...and like...smaller quilts...really!

Time to get back to marking...

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I can sooooooooo relate to needing to make smaller quilts with easier quilting designs. The last 2 quilts I've made have been 100 inches square, and the second of those isn't sewn together yet, and the first isn't quilted yet, and I want to have them both done by the October quilt show. Arrrrgggggghhhhh!!